Daily Archives: July 17, 2013

Chicana (W)rites on Word and Film edited by María Herrera-Sobek and María Helena Viramontes. 1995. ISBN 0-943219-10-8, $11.99 The strength, beauty and vigor of Chicana creative writing and filmmaking are analyzed in this anthology of sixteen authors. BOOK CATALOG

Chicana (W)rites

Variaciones Sobre Una Tempestad
Variaciones Sobre Una Tempestad/Variations on a Storm by Lucha Corpi. English translation by Catherine Rodriguez-Nieto. 1990. ISBN 00-943219-05-1, $10.99 Poetry from the acclaimed prize-winning poet (Palabras de mediodía) and novelist (the Gloria Damasco mysteries). Bilingual, Spanish, and English.     BOOK CATALOG

Variaciones Sobre Una Tempestad/Variations on a Storm